MARCH OF THE DINOSAURS. Set 70 million years ago in the Cretaceous period in North America, this animated docu/drama follows the journey of a young Edmontosaurus named Scar and his herd as they migrate south for the winter. This film depicts recent findings about Dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurs with feathers.
This short animation is a trailer for an upcoming animated series.
All rights reserved by Aenimax Innovation (former Aenima CGS).
We are looking for production and distribution partners.
All animation made by the creatives of Aenima CGS in 2009. All music was composed exclusively for this demo. All music and sound design were recorded in the sound studio of Aenima CGS.
Idea, producer, story, character-artist, art- and technical director: Adam Magyar
Join Dinosaurs for incredible kid-friendly videos. Large lizards stomping around the planet — thats all to dinosaurs right? WRONG! Some dinosaurs had brightly colored feathers. Some dinosaurs were attentive parents. Some dinosaurs gave birth to live young rather than hatching them in eggs. Want to see?
Что Произойдет Через 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0?
Что будет на Земле, в Солнечной системе, что будет с нашей Вселенной?
Спасибо за просмотр, мои хорошие!) Пока ждете выхода следующего видео, подписывайтесь на меня в соц. сетях!
►Мой познавательный паблик ВК:
Ну и обязательно посетите инстаграмм моего хорошего друга, Андрея, который озвучивал для вас это видео —
►РЕКЛАМА и СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО: Мы делаем самую креативную рекламу (за разумные деньги), обращайтесь на почту —
Вся музыка взята с библиотеки Epidemic Sound Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound